Scholarly E-Journals and E-books

N-LIST : N-LIST (National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content) ensures the subscription of e-resources to Government or Government-aided colleges including a wide variety of scholarly research articles and academic publications without needing to invidually subscribe to them. A vibrant searching interface is available comprising Keyword Search, Advanced Search, Browse the Catalog etc and the usage activities of the resources through individual remote login are monitored. N-LIST is deployed by the INFLIBNET Centre (Information and Library Network Centre), an autonomous Inter-University Centre (IUC) of University Grants Commission (UGC). It provides access to a range of full-text e-journals, e-books, policy documents, statistical indicators, press clippings including 23 scholarly worldwide repositories. N-LIST allows the college to offer affordable access to a wide range of scholarly contents accelerating research and learning across the disciplines.


E-Resources - Full-text E-Journals, E-books and Database

Searching Interface

Online Database

EPWRF India Time Series : It is an online factual structured database with its comprehensive coverage of Indian economy and society since 1950's. It comprises over a lakh variables capsuled in 21 modules such as National Accounts Statistics of India, Domestic products of States of India, Price Indices, Agricultural Statistics, Annual Survey of Industries, Wage Rates of Rural India, Mineral Statistics, Statistics of Mines, Power Sector Statistics, Monetary Statistics, Financial Markets, Banking Statistics, Health Statistics, Education Statistics, Agricultural Wages of India etc under current subscription through E-ShodhSindhu. The dataset includes national-level data and regional breakdowns, enabling comparison across states. It includes Time Series Data, user-friendly interactive online system, graphical data visualization based on filtered variables such as line grapgh, bar chart, pie chart, heatmaps, histograms, scatter plots, stacked area charts, box plots etc. The database serves as a resource for academic research, government planning and economic forecasting.

EPWRF India Time Series

User Guide

Digital Archive

JSTOR : JSTOR is a part of ITHAKA, a non-profit organization composed of innovators to make higher education more accessible, to access to knowledge more affordable, to improve outcomes for researchers and to preserve knowledge for future generations. The archive includes scholarly articles dating back to the 17th century offering historical and contemporary perspectives of various topics. It has a user-friendly search interface that enables individuals to find relevant articles and research material quickly. JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million journal articles, books, images, and primary sources covering more than 75 disciplines. Many of the journals available on JSTOR are peer-reviewd ensuring quality and credibility of the content across the disciplines like humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, arts and more. The Entire Archive till 2020 is available via College LAN or through remote login. The current added resources can be accessed through N-LIST.


Available domain-based Journals

Login Link


J-Gate : It is a bibliographic database of journals including full-text accessibility. J-Gate Social Science and Humanities (JSSH) is subscribed ensuring 33000+ indexed journals facilitating 9383 scopus-indexed, 8565 UGC-CARE listed, 7053 Web of Science indexed, 6144 DOAJ indexed and 265 Medline indexed journals. Standard citation styles and downloadable citation file formats are available against the titles. J-Gate is a comprehensive gateway of scholarly content, making it valuable for the researchers looking for authoritative sources including journals published by various publishers and institutions worldwide. It offers discovery search interface including the options of Search Builder, Author Finder and Journal Finder. Latest research developments of various domains can be obtained through graphical representation based on metadata analysis. Presently, JSSH provides the access of 20000+ full-text journals encompassing open access collection. It continuously upgrade the resource strength.


Available Journals

Login Link



Pearson eLibrary : It is a digital platform for the learners by Pearson India Education Services Private Limited to provide e-book services with analytics-driven personalized learning experience either through mobile application eLibrary 2.0 of Pearson Education, Inc or weblink. This promotes e-learning activating the users through the registration using Institution Access Code. Presently, 31 e-books are available through college login. Various e-reading options are available in the platform like overview, viewing mode, colour mode, outline, thumbnail, bookmarks, search, add link, annotation, translate, save & sync etc.

User Guide for E-book Reading through MobileApp

Pearson eLibrary

Login Link


Login details or Access Codes are sent to the users directly or to the Heads of the Departments via E-mail.