UG CCF Syllabus of offered courses with Amendments :

Sl No. Course Fulfilment Subject UG CCF Syllabus as per the University of Calcutta
1. B.A. (4-year Honours with Research / 4-year Honours / 3-year Multi-disciplinary Program) Bengali

Revised Syllabus as on 31-08-2023

Syllabus as on 12-07-2023

2. B.A. (4-year Honours with Research / 4-year Honours / 3-year Multi-disciplinary Program) Education

Amendment as on 26-09-2024

Amendment as on 04-01-2024

Syllabus as on 12-07-2023

3. B.A. (4-year Honours with Research / 4-year Honours / 3-year Multi-disciplinary Program) English

Amendment as on 30-05-2024

Complete Syllabus as on 19-01-2024

Amendment as on 28-07-2023

Syllabus as on 12-07-2023

4. B.A. (4-year Honours with Research / 4-year Honours / 3-year Multi-disciplinary Program) History

Amendment as on 11-12-2024

Revised Syllabus with amendments as on 02-08-2023

Syllabus as on 12-07-2023

5. B.A. (4-year Honours with Research / 4-year Honours / 3-year Multi-disciplinary Program) Political Science

Ammendment as on 25-09-2024

Syllabus (Sem-III and Sem-IV) as on 15-03-2024

Amendment as on 25-01-2024

Amendment as on 31-08-2023

Syllabus as on 12-07-2023

6. B.A./B.Sc. (4-year Honours with Research / 4-year Honours / 3-year Multi-disciplinary Program) Economics

Syllabus as on 03-09-2024

Syllabus as on 12-07-2023

7. B.A./B.Sc. (4-year Honours with Research / 4-year Honours / 3-year Multi-disciplinary Program) Geography Syllabus as on 02-08-2023
8. B.A./B.Sc. (4-year Honours with Research / 4-year Honours / 3-year Multi-disciplinary Program) Mathematics

Syllabus as on 11-12-2024

Syllabus (Sem-III, Sem-IV and Sem-V) as on 01-08-2024

Revised Syllabus with amendments as on 10-08-2023

Syllabus as on 13-07-2023

9. B.A./B.Sc. (4-year Honours with Research / 4-year Honours / 3-year Multi-disciplinary Program) Statistics

Syllabus as on 20-09-2024

Syllabus as on 24-07-2023

10. B.Com. (4-year Honours with Research / 4-year Honours / 3-year Multi-disciplinary Program) Commerce

Ammendment as on 29-11-2024

Syllabus as on 12-07-2023

11. B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (4-year Honours with Research / 4-year Honours / 3-year Multi-disciplinary Program) Compulsery Common Value Added Courses [Environmental Studies & Constitutional Values] Syllabus as on 20-07-2023
12. B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (4-year Honours with Research / 4-year Honours / 3-year Multi-disciplinary Program)

Compulsery Common Value Added Courses [Lifestyle Diseases and their Prevention]

Amendment as on 04-01-2024

Syllabus as on 16-10-2023


UG CBCS Syllabus and Amendments of Honours Subjects of offered courses :

Sl No.
Course Fulfilment Honours Subject UG CBCS Syllabus as per the University of Calcutta
1. B.A. (Honours) Bengali Syllabus as on 06-08-2018 (Pages in Linked PDF File : 1-34)

Amendment as on 29-03-2019
2. B.A. (Honours) Education Syllabus as on 04-06-2018 (Pages in Linked PDF File : 1-34)

Amendment as on 05-02-2020 - 1

Amendment as on 05-02-2020 - 2

Amendment as on 21-06-2021
3. B.A. (Honours) English Syllabus as on 04-06-2018 (Pages in Linked PDF File : 1-23)

Amendment as on 29-08-2018

Amendment as on 17-05-2019
4. B.A. (Honours) History Syllabus as on 04-06-2018 (Pages in Linked PDF File : 1-54)

Amendment as on 02-09-2019
5. B.A. (Honours) Political Science Syllabus as on 04-06-2018 (Pages in Linked PDF File : 1-39)

Amendment as on 01-08-2019
6. B.Sc. (Honours) Economics Syllabus as on 04-06-2018 (Pages in Linked PDF File : 1-52)

Amendment as on 20-09-2019
7. B.Sc. (Honours) Geography Syllabus as on 04-06-2018 (Pages in Linked PDF File : 1-10,13-62)

Amendment as on 01-03-2021
8. B.Com. (Honours) Commerce Syllabus as on 26-05-2017 (Pages in Linked PDF File : 1-7,11-78)

Examination Regulation as on 14-09-2017

Amendment as on 30-05-2018

Amendment as on 28-11-2018

Amendment as on 17-05-2019

Amendment as on 07-05-2021


UG CBCS Syllabus and Amendments of General Subject of offered courses :

Sl No. Course Fulfilment General Subject UG CBCS Syllabus as per the University of Calcutta
1. B.Com. (General) Commerce Syllabus as on 26-05-2017 (Pages in Linked PDF File : 1-4,8-10,79-140)

Examination Regulation as on 14-09-2017

Amendment as on 30-05-2018

Amendment as on 28-11-2018

Amendment as on 17-05-2019

Amendment as on 07-05-2021


UG CBCS Syllabus and Amendments of Combination Subjects of offered courses :

Sl No. Course Fulfilment Combination Subject UG CBCS Syllabus as per the University of Calcutta
1. B.A. (Honours) Education Syllabus as on 04-06-2018 (Pages in Linked PDF File : 1,35-52)

Amendment as on 05-02-2020 (1)

Amendment as on 05-02-2020 (2)

Amendment as on 21-06-2021
2. B.A. (Honours) History Syllabus as on 04-06-2018 (Pages in Linked PDF File : 1,55-75)

Amendment as on 02-09-2019
3. B.A. (Honours) Political Science Syllabus as on 04-06-2018 (Pages in Linked PDF File : 1,40-51)

Amendment as on 01-08-2019
4. B.Sc. (Honours) Economics Syllabus as on 04-06-2018 (Pages in Linked PDF File : 1-2,53-74)
5. B.Sc. (Honours) Mathematics Syllabus as on 04-06-2018 (Pages in Linked PDF File : 1,57-76)

Amendment as on 14-05-2019
6. B.Sc. (Honours) Statistics Syllabus as on 04-06-2018 (Pages in Linked PDF File : 1,45-64)

Amendment as on 13-01-2020


UG CBCS Syllabus of AECCs of offered courses :

Sl No. Course Fulfilment Subject of AECC UG CBCS Syllabus as per the University of Calcutta
1. B.A. (Honours) / B.Sc. (Honours) / B.Com. (Honours) / B.Com. (General) Communicative English Syllabus as on 06-06-2018 (Pages in Linked PDF File : 20,32)
2. B.A. (Honours) / B.Sc. (Honours) / B.Com. (Honours) / B.Com. (General) Modern Indian Language (Bengali) Syllabus as on 08-08-2018 (Pages in Linked PDF File : 53-54)
3. B.A. (Honours) / B.Sc. (Honours) / B.Com. (Honours) / B.Com. (General) Environmental Studies Syllabus as on 05-06-2018